The 96th Annual FFA Leadership Conference was April 14-16, 2024.
FFA members and guests from across the state gathered at state convention to learn about careers in the agriculture industry, compete in various events, and shape the future of the Iowa FFA Association.
Western Christian FFA was well-represented! Drew Tiedeman placed 16th individually out of 400+ students in the poultry judging contest. The team earned a gold rating. The team consisted of Drew Tiedeman, Carter Mulder, and Aiden VanRoekel. Congratulations team!
Western's Farm Business Management team placed 15th out of 100 teams and received a gold rating. The team consisted of Tyson VanVoorst, Matt Alons, and Logan Westra. Well done!
WC Sophomore, Allie Wielenga, was selected to sing in the State FFA Chorus and was selected as the soloist to perform during their song with over 6,900 people in attendance! Way to go, Allie!
Founded in 1919, Western Academy began as a four-year academic community accommodating grades 9-12. Renamed in the 1930s to Western Christian High School, the mission and values remain the same. Western Christian High School is dedicated to equipping our students to be faithful stewards of God’s Word.