
Daily Announcements

5 Announcements displayed.

  • Friday | March 28, 2025

    LUNCH: Crispy Chicken Sandwich, Chips, Baked Beans
    WISHING A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO…Savannah Feenstra & Tristan Rozeboom!

    - SENIORS: Open campus starts next Friday! Sign-ups are Monday only in the lunch line. Questions about eligibility? See Mr. Pollema.
    - There are still some graduation gown packages in the office. Please stop in and take yours home. Remember to take them out and check for spots, holes etc. and let me know if there are any issues. -Kathy M.
    - FRESHMEN/SOPHOMORES: Please complete your course registration in JMC by the end of the day today.
    - JUNIORS: your course registration is to be completed by next week Friday.

    - STUDENTS: There are several opportunities available on the 2025-24 Opportunities Google Spreadsheet posted under “Classwork” each grade level. Please note that as we near the end of the school year, you will need to get pre-approval to make sure you are not missing assignments and fill out the Job/Career Form at least two days prior to attending an event.

    - SENIORS: Just a reminder to check the scholarship spreadsheet. This is being updated weekly and there are scholarships due at the end of March and beginning of April.
    - Boys soccer has a scrimmage after school today at Sioux City North. Please dismiss from 8th period, bus and vans leave at 3:00.
  • Thursday | March 27, 2025

    LUNCH: Pizza, Lettuce Salad, Pudding
    WISHING A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO… Aralyn Hulstein, Alyssa Schmidt, and Tena Leusink!

    - SENIORS: Open campus starts next week Friday! Sign-ups are on Monday only in the lunch line. Questions about eligibility? See Mr. Pollema.
    - If you miss ISASP testing in PE 9, World History, Foundations of Faith, Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, or Science Exploratory, talk to Mrs. Wilson ASAP
    - For chapel on today, we will meet with our Faithpacks FIRST. We will meet and discuss, pray together, and then head down to the EC around 10.
    - SENIORS: If you haven’t picked up your graduation gown package, please do so today. When you get them home, please check them out for spots, holes etc. If there is a problem let me(Kathy) know ASAP. The day before graduation is far too late to get any issues resolved. :) - Kathy
    - SENIORS - just a reminder to check the scholarship spreadsheet. This is being updated weekly and there are scholarships due at the end of March and beginning of April.
    - Students, there are several opportunities available on the 2025-24 Opportunities Google Spreadsheet posted under “Classwork” each grade level. Please note that as we near the end of the school year, you will need to get pre-approval to make sure you are not missing assignments and fill out the Job/Career Form at least two days prior to attending an event. 
  • Wednesday | March 26, 2025

    LUNCH: Mini Corn Dogs, Mac & Cheese & Green Beans. 

    - For chapel on Thursday, we will meet with our Faithpacks FIRST.  We will meet and discuss, pray together, and then head down to the E.C. around 10:00AM.
    - SENIORS: Please visit the office during morning or afternoon break to pick up graduation gowns. Thank you! 

    - Freshmen and Sophomores be sure to complete your course registration in JMC by Friday.
    - If you are interested in playing softball this summer, please meet in the HUB during afternoon break today! 
  • Tuesday | March 25, 2025

    LUNCH: Chicken Fajitas, Spanish Rice, Corn & a Churro. 

    - If you have a pre-arranged absence (appointment, trip, etc.) please stop in the office before your absence. Teachers should not allow you to leave class unless you have a slip excusing you from class at a certain time.
    -  Concert Choir students, please remember to leave your class at 9:40 to head to the EC for a rehearsal with Chorale.
    - Student-led Bible study meets on Wednesday morning at 8:25.
    - We are back to a normal chapel schedule on Thursday. Pastor Chris Van Beek will be here. Stay tuned to find out if Faithpacks will meet before or after the message!
    - DeStigter’s Faithpack, please remember that you are meeting in Room 305 with Christian’s’ Faithpack.
    - Reminder that ISASP testing begins tomorrow. Testing will occur on the block days in PE/Health 9, World History, Foundations of Faith, Honors/Regular Chemistry, &  Science Exploratory. If you miss, talk to Mrs. Wilson as soon as possible to schedule  make up testing. If you plan to be gone, talk to Mrs. Wilson TODAY!

    -  SFC Chance VonHolle is an Army Recruiter and will be here during lunches in the Student Lounge on Tuesday, March 25th to meet with any students who are interested or have any questions about the Army or  Army Reserve.

    - Drive your tractor to school day is on Wednesday, March 26.  Something new this year is a catered lunch provided by Hull Coop. We will drive our tractors there for lunch. This is only for those who drive their tractor to school. Please RSVP to Carter Mulder at ( by NOON TODAY so he can get a head count for the meal. Thanks!

    - State Qualifiers: please plan to practice on Wednesday after school in the HUB. Also, please fill out the form posted on Classroom indicating your State plans as soon as possible.
    - Boys golf sign-up during morning break. Let’s meet in the HUB conference room.
    - Reminder: spring sports will have media day on Wednesday right after school.
    - Reminder to all athletes: the gym is not open after school for athletes unless supervised by a coach. 
  • Monday | March 24, 2025

    LUNCH: Chicken N Biscuits, Spring Pasta Salad, & Corn. 
    WISHING A HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO…  Easton Van Dyken (3/13), Asher Blankespoor (3/16), Reagan Roetman (3/17), Lucas Sandbulte (3/18), Ava Van Maanen (3/18), Ella Boer (3/19), Ian Ten Napel (3/19), Carter Mulder (3/20)!

    - From the Sioux County Sheriff’s Office:
    school hours. We’re asking students to drive safely, watch their speed, and limit distractions. Some of the reported areas include places where grade school children are walking, which raises serious safety concerns. We will have extra patrol in those areas to stay ahead of this before something tragic happens.
    Thank You, Student Body! In addition to the recognition and accolades our boys' basketball team earned in Des Moines, we want to extend a huge thank you to you, the student body! On several occasions, our administrative team was approached by staff and security at Wells Fargo Arena, who all praised your behavior. You were described as respectful, polite, and even willing to assist when asked. One day, we were told that you were the best student body they had seen! Thank you for representing Western so well at the State Tournament. Your positive attitude and sportsmanship made a lasting impression, and we are incredibly proud of how you showed up.

    Freshmen & Sophomores: be sure to complete your class registration in JMC by Friday!
    - SFC Chance VonHolle is an Army Recruiter and will be here during lunches in the Student Lounge on Tuesday, March 25th to meet with any students who are interested or have any questions about the Army or Army Reserve.
    - Drive your tractor to school day is on Wednesday, March 26.  Something new this year is a catered lunch provided by Hull Coop. We will drive our tractors there for lunch. This is only for those who drive their tractor to school. Please RSVP to Carter Mulder at by noon on Tuesday so he can get a head count for the meal.

    - Indoor track meet at Dordt today. Please arrive by 4:15 PM. Meet begins at 5:00 PM. 

8-Period Regular Schedule

Period 1: 8:25 -9:10 
Period 2: 9:13 -9:55
AM Break: 9:55- -10:04 
Period 3: 10:07 -10:49
Period 4A:
- Lunch: 10:52 -11:34

- Class: 11:37 -12:19
Period 4B:
- Class: 10:52-11:34

- Lunch: 11:37-12:19
Period 5: 12:22 -1:04
Period 6: 1:07 -1:49 
PM Break: 1:49 -1:59 
Period 7: 2:02 -2:44 
Period 8: 2:47 -3:29


Odd Block Schedule

Period 1: 9:30 -10:45 
Period 3A
- Class: 10-50 -12:05 
- Lunch: 12:10 -12:45 
Period 3B
- Lunch: 10:50 -11:25 
- Class: 11:30-12:45 
Period 5: 12:50 -2:05 
Break: 2:05 -2:12 
Period 7: 2:15 -3:29 


Even Block Schedule

Period 2: 8:25 -9:40 
AM Chapel: 9:45-10:25 
AM FaithPacks: 10:25-10:45 
Period 4A
- Class: 10:50 -12:05 
- Lunch: 12:10 -12:45 
Period 4B
- Lunch: 10:50 -11:25 
- Class: 11:30 -12:45 
Period 6: 12:50 -2:05 
PM Break: 2:05 -2:12 
Period 8: 2:15 -3:30 


2-Hour Late Start (Non-Block)

Period 1: 10:25-10:56
Period 2: 10:59-11:27
Period 4A:
- Lunch: 11:30-12:05

- Class: 12:08-12:43
Period 4B:
- Class: 11:30-12:05
- Lunch: 12:08-12:43
Period 3: 12:46-1:14
Period 5: 1:17-1:45
PM Break 1:45-1:56
Period 6: 1:59-2:27
Period 7: 2:30-2:58
Period 8: 3:01-3:29

Everything Awaits You Here at
Western Christian High School

Founded in 1919, Western Academy began as a four-year academic community accommodating grades 9-12. Renamed in the 1930s to Western Christian High School, the mission and values remain the same. Western Christian High School is dedicated to equipping our students to be faithful stewards of God’s Word.
© Western Christian High School