On Saturday, July 25, 2015, the Class of 1995 held their 20-year reunion at the Ridge in Sioux Center, IA. About twenty-seven people were present, with spouses, fifty total. A few classmates golfed earlier in the day and a social hour began at 5:00 PM. Dinner buffet was catered by the Ridge and served at 6:00 PM.
Some awards were handed out like who traveled the farthest, who had the most jobs since high school, who had the most kids and who had the youngest child. We played a game and Jill (Driesen) Ten Haken put together a “Now and Then” video to remember our high school years. We took several pictures, too.
The rest of our time was just spent visiting and moving from circle to circle while catching up with as many classmates as we could. We enjoyed hours of each other’s company.
Reunion Coordinators:
Carisa (Wiekamp) Ten Kley, Melissa (Hofman) Gulker, Kaye (Kats) Sjaarda.
Class of 1995 Alumni are encouraged to join the Facebook group linked below to stay up to date with one another and any alumni events.
Class of 1995 Facebook Group