Class of 1971 Reunion

The WCHS Class of 1971 has gathered consistently every five years since graduation to remember the past, celebrate the present and anticipate our future according to God’s plan.
Thanks to Wes Fopma for the Tour of Western that started the day off! So much has changed, yet so much remains the same. A Social Hour at The Ridge in Sioux Center wasn’t long enough... but it was the official beginning of the “It’s All About the 70’s!” party with many displays of bell bottom jeans, peace signs, fringe and platform shoes everywhere!
Here’s the Official Photo of the 50 classmates in Sioux Center on April 16, 2016; many spouses enjoyed the evening as well. Although we didn’t want to believe that we had been out of Western of 45 years, we knew there was a lot to celebrate and share together. We didn’t line up very straight; our class always was a little “out of order”, as we were reminded by some of the stories told!

45th Year Class Reunion

    • Front Row – Doug Vander Schaaf, Larry Ribbens, Starla Elgersma Reitsma, Donna Feekes Visser, Carolyn Van Engen Wilson, Marcia Cleveringa Rozeboom, Mar De Wit Sjaarda, Ardene Kraayenbrink Emmelkamp, Sharon Uittenbogaard Holz, Ruth Van Tol, Paul Smit, Mark Sybesma. Row 2 – Lorna Hoekstra Koedam, Mary De Kam Dorhout, Ruth Blankespoor Buskohl, Marshonn Van Ginkel Boon, Evonne Vande Burgt Wielenga , Cheryl Bloemendaal Weerheim, Dolores Vis Stuck, Mary De Weerd Schoep, Colleen Hoftyzer Van Berkum, Vi Van Den Top De Boer, Twyla Kiel Starkenburg, Arlene Verdoorn Milbrodt, Alvina Van Maanen Hofman. Row 3 and 4 – Lee Reitsma, Ron Smit, Marlyn Hofman, Ivan Dorhout, Glenn Hulstein, Marj Oldenkamp Hulstein, Steve Van Vliet, Althea Grevengoed Brunsting, Don Krommendyk, Dave Boer, Dick De Groot, Gene Bakker, Gaylen Te Slaa. Back Row – Don Vander Ziel, John Sjaarda, Jim Vande Kerk, Byke Van Donge, Jeff Vande Griend, Doug Van Bruggen, Dennis Hoekstra, Dennis Visser, Howard Altena, Rod Wielenga.

50th Year Class Reunion

The WCHS Class of 1971 met on Labor Day Weekend 2021 to celebrate their 50th reunion. After gathering faithfully every five years since graduation (with a few more parties in between), the bond and sense of comradery was immediately evident. Heritage Village in Sioux Center served as a great place for Meet-n-Greet on Saturday afternoon, followed by a quick trick to Sandy Hollow Lodge for a meal and lots of time to reconnect. The theme was “The Way We Were”; the Playlist from vinyl records and 8-track tapes filled the air. Cedar Rock Grill provided a delicious meal, and Marj (Oldenkamp) Hulstein brought stunning cakes for every table. There was dessert, decorations, and entertainment during serving time!
On Sunday morning, we gathered in Western’s beautiful Auditorium for worship, led by a Praise Team and band made up of Western Christian Alumni from a variety of eras. During the Praise & Worship time, it felt like we lifted the rafters in praise to our God! Doug Vander Schaaf’s message on the Psalms encouraged us as believers in listening to “God’s Playlist”. A luncheon in the cafeteria followed, then tours of the school led by Mr. Brian Verwolf.

O God Bless Western Christian, the school we hold so dear!

Everything Awaits You Here at
Western Christian High School

Founded in 1919, Western Academy began as a four-year academic community accommodating grades 9-12. Renamed in the 1930s to Western Christian High School, the mission and values remain the same. Western Christian High School is dedicated to equipping our students to be faithful stewards of God’s Word.
© Western Christian High School