On May 15, 2024, the graduating class of 1962 held its 62nd class reunion—a sort of golden event. Seventeen classmates were present, along with many spouses. Classmates in attendance are listed: Al Kats, Ron Rynders, Denny DeJong, Carri (Weg) Zwart, Larry Luinenburg, Joel Verdoorn, Harlyn Jacobsma, Stan Hulstein, Gerry Bouma, Willie (Bonnema) Vander Bush, Lois (Dorhout) Vander Zee, Donna (Mars) DeHaan, Jan (Van Wyhe) Bomgaars, Thresa (Anema) Jacobsma, Marlys (Koopmans) DeGroot, Marcia (DeJong) Cooper, & Don Dykstra.
We gathered at The North Place between Hull and Sioux Center. We found the location to be very suitable for an event like ours, and we all agreed that Laurie Buyert does a fabulous job of hosting groups like ours. The food was exceptional.
After coffee in the afternoon, we enjoyed Laurie’s meal and then shared some thoughts and concerns with each other. As with all reunions, the highlights are always the meeting of people that you have not seen since 1962, and that happened in several ways during the reunion.
One of the highlights this year: Andy Miedema and his wife Jo joined
us and regaled us with stories; what a blessing to still have one of our teachers present!
We all joined together to praise God for his care to us through all these years. We spent some time reflecting on the names of classmates who have passed on (18 of them), and we commented that as we pass our golden reunion, fewer and fewer will gather each year. We appreciated the time we did have together. We are grateful for the Christian teaching that formed us. Now we are challenged to leave that legacy to the next generations. (Deut. 11:19)