Announcement Detail

Thursday | February 27, 2025

LUNCH: Pizza, Lettuce Salad, Jello
Freshman Band: get your instruments & music and hop on the bus after this period
(2nd) is finished.
-  For chapel today, go to your Faithpack first. Then we will head to the EC after
we meet.
- If you want something to do in study hall 4th or 6th, come see Mrs. VM in the choir
hallway to work on a picture project.
- Just a reminder if you plan to attend the NCC Scrubs Camp, please fill out the yellow Career/Job shadow form outside of Mrs. Khang’s office and turn it in by the end of next week.
- Seniors who have been admitted to NCC. College admission representative is here TODAY FROM 11:00am-1:00pm in the conference room in the Student Center. She would like to meet with you to go over any questions you may have and make sure you know what the next steps are to make sure you are all set. Please make sure to stop in to meet with her.

- Any girls interested in going out for Spring Golf: there will be an information meeting Friday morning during break. 

Everything Awaits You Here at
Western Christian High School

Founded in 1919, Western Academy began as a four-year academic community accommodating grades 9-12. Renamed in the 1930s to Western Christian High School, the mission and values remain the same. Western Christian High School is dedicated to equipping our students to be faithful stewards of God’s Word.
© Western Christian High School