Variable Tuition
Variable Tuition is a reduced tuition rate dependent on each family’s unique financial situation. Variable Tuition is available for students entering grades 9-12, renewed annually through the application process. The reduced rate is determined by Western Christian’s Finance Director and Board Committee and will be reflected in each family’s tuition account. Variable Tuition rates reflect the tuition rate less the following applicable grants: NICSTO funds, Tuition Assistance Funds, Fair Share Funds, and Education Savings Accounts.
Additional assistance is also available for members of the ‘Chapter Churches’. These members will also have $2,800 of tuition assistance for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. For more information, please contact the Western Christian office.
Unique to Iowa Residents: Education Savings Account
For the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, the Education Savings Account program will provide tuition assistance for each qualifying student.
At Western Christian, it is our desire to implement each Education Savings Account with discernment- all within the ways that align with our mission and our Reformed Christian perspective. We believe that the Education Savings Accounts are a huge blessing to parents locally, and across the state of Iowa! However, we want to remain good stewards of this generous blessing. To find more information, see the Important Links to the right.