Announcement Detail

Friday | September 13, 2024

LUNCH: Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Hashbrown, Baked Beans, Chocolate PB Bar
WISHING A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO... Sawyer Van Holland (9/14) & Megan Wielenga (9/14)!

- Today we are going to run an activity schedule.  During that time, everyone should meet with their Faithpacks. We will detail out Stewardship Day (which is next week WEDNESDAY), & you will also talk about Homecoming details.  Go to your Faithpack and everyone will be dismissed from Faithpacks for a short morning break.
- Eight students from the Netherlands are eagerly awaiting to make a connection with their host families. In only six weeks they will be here for three weeks. Would your family be one of the ones to host them? For those wanting to go to the Netherlands this is a good way to know who may be hosting you in six months. To take part in this program or for more information, contact
- Who wants to travel to Mexico during Spring break or spend three weeks in the Netherlands? Then plan to meet on September 23 at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria. Students and parents are encouraged to hear Information on what to expect for both of these trips and how to apply for them. Those interested in the Netherlands, see the previous announcement on hosting.
– Are you interested in going to Spain over Spring Break? Students and their parent(s) should come to a meeting on Monday, September 23 at 7:15 PM in Ms. Jeltema’s room 209. This is only for Juniors and Seniors who are currently in or have completed Spanish 3.

-Juniors in Algebra 2 or above, consider taking the PSAT this October. This test can give great practice for other college entrance exams as well as carry some scholarship implications. You must be in Algebra 2 higher in order to take this test. Please see Mrs. Wilson if you are interested. Cost is $20. 

Everything Awaits You Here at
Western Christian High School

Founded in 1919, Western Academy began as a four-year academic community accommodating grades 9-12. Renamed in the 1930s to Western Christian High School, the mission and values remain the same. Western Christian High School is dedicated to equipping our students to be faithful stewards of God’s Word.
© Western Christian High School