Daily Announcements

Thursday | September 12, 2024

LUNCH: Turkey Bacon Cheese Melt, Mixed Veggies, Fruit Salad & Potato Salad
WISHING A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO... Jenae Minderhoud & Bentley Bliek!

- Go right to the Event Center at the beginning of our chapel period today. Faithpacks will meet after our time in the EC.
- On Service Day, September 18, Mrs. Keefer’s Faithpack will be selling breakfast pizza, donuts, and bake sale items for students who would like breakfast before leaving for the day. We will set up at 7:30 AM. The money raised will benefit the pro-life organization, The Alpha Center. You can pay with cash or Venmo. Please note that the cafeteria/kitchen will be closed that day, so if you need breakfast, you can purchase it this way!
- Safe + Sound Iowa is a resource from the state of Iowa that provides a platform for reporting mental health or safety concerns among student peers. Reports can be made anonymously anytime through the Safe + Sound Iowa app, online, or by phone. This is monitored 24/7 by trained individuals who immediately examine and share critical information with local school administration, law enforcement, or other community partners so support can be given to any student or school as soon as possible. There are posters hanging around school and there are flyers outside of Mr. Pollema’s office. Please see Ms. Vanden Bosch or Mr. Pollema for more information.
- Are you interested in hearing about the Spring trips to Mexico, Spain, and the Netherlands? Students and parents are invited to meet on September 23 at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria.  Information on what students can expect on these trips and how to apply will be presented at the meeting.
- Beginning Monday, September 16, we will not be letting students leave to get items out of their vehicles that they are expected to take at the beginning of the day, I.E.: money for vending machines, sweatshirts, shoes, water bottles, etc. There has been a significant number of students who are coming and going during lunch and other breaks throughout the day. Lockers are provided to each student for storing items that you may need during the day. Please be mindful of this next week and come in to school prepared. Students with a valid reason may be excused to get items that may be necessary; please visit the office prior to going outside.  

- JVR/JV/Varsity Volleyball are at Harrisburg tonight for a triple header. First game starts at 4:30 PM. Please dismiss all Volleyball players at 2:35 PM; buses will leave at 2:45 PM. Tickets for the game may be purchased online here.

Everything Awaits You Here at
Western Christian High School

Founded in 1919, Western Academy began as a four-year academic community accommodating grades 9-12. Renamed in the 1930s to Western Christian High School, the mission and values remain the same. Western Christian High School is dedicated to equipping our students to be faithful stewards of God’s Word.
© Western Christian High School